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Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Importance of School Library Funding

Over the course of the last week, I have eagerly monitored my Donors Choose project. I had never used this avenue of project funding before. Starting the new school year and not having any funds to purchase the 2015 NCCBA or national award books yet, I decided to give it a try. I advertised it on Facebook and Twitter. So grateful for all my friends and librarians who have either shared this project with their friends or made a donation! But a week later, my project is still not fully funded (didn't realize how hard it would be to raise $494 and the first week every donation up to $100 was doubled). Needless to say, I'm disappointed.

I think I am more disappointed that public school libraries have to beg for funding, considering that the books and materials service the entire student and teacher population. According to the American Library Association: 

All school library media programs should be adequately funded to ensure that they include up-to-date collections in both print and electronic formats.

All students should have the benefit of trained school librarian, who can guide them in learning to use and understand a wide variety of information sources.

The school library program should be integrated with classroom curriculum so that students learn to make connections between subject areas, retrieve information and think independently. ALA School Library Funding

I couldn't agree more. School library funding has become an issue in many states and districts. Federal, state and local legislatures should allocate funding for school libraries as part of their budgets. Now, in addition to teacher, information specialist, instructional technologist, and library program administrator, we have also become fundraising specialists. This requires additional time that is taken away from instructional time but yet has become a necessity. So now, in addition to the 5-7 fixed classes a day that I plan detailed lessons for, I need to worry about how to pay for supplies and library curriculum materials. Our students deserve so much more, especially our students that depend on the school library to supply ALL of their reading material because they have none at home. 

Please don't get me wrong. I have the best career in the world. I'll take on these roles anyway. But our schools, teachers and students need and deserve SO much more. If the media center is going to be the "hub" of the school that serves ALL students, we need to provide funding there also. Our students are counting on us. 

For more school library studies, visit School Libraries Impact Studies

To donate to our library project, visit Award Books for Voting 2015 Project